Why do I need a Software Architect? CTO’s guide

Do you think of software development primarily as a collection of problems that are difficult to solve and deal with? Do you find that you can not focus on the exciting part of the process like creating new features and business logic and really turn your wildest ideas into reality (digital)? One of the reasons behind this may be that you have never hired a suitable software architect to build a strong foundation for an effective and scalable application. Let’s find out why you need a software architect for your project.

Have you ever come across a project written by experienced engineers, and yet Was it still really hard to maintain? Or maybe you were assigned a JIRA card as we shall see Like a slight feature, but when you started integrating it with the whole system, it seemed like everything was against you?

Chances are the main reason behind your troubles is Poor architecture. But what can you do to avoid such scenarios?

So what is software architecture?

To answer this question, I believe we must take a step back and ask ourselves:

“What is architecture?”

If you type this question into Google, you may encounter the following definition:

Architecture is the art or practice of designing and building buildings.

Let’s tie it to the software.

“Software” is a very broad term. We can accept Embedded software, Web software, Machine learning, Data model, And much more. We can not point to a template for good software architecture nor create a to-do list that will ensure that we will eventually have a great design all the time. There are different challenges between relationships, application sizes and industries. This leads us to the following conclusion:

There is an art to architecture software, a certain beauty in self-supporting software, and “doing the important things”.

Whatever it is, there is one element that touches on both social, technical and business contexts. Software architecture is an adhesive that combines all those parts into a working unit of software. It is a multidisciplinary tool with a variety of sockets.

Finally, it is a product of people who have taken the time and effort to gather experiences, skills, mechanisms and instruments to be able to provide well-engineered expertise in an agile environment, meeting the requirements they face in the first place.

Kneeling in software architecture

In the world of software development, there is only one law that is always true: The “it depends […]”Law.

Besides jokes, if you ask different people you will get different answers. In part, since this is a broad specialization and summing up any problem in a few sentences is no easy task. This is one of those things that you can easily point out when you come across it, but it’s hard to go for creating just one definition, which will include most of its meaning.

For the purpose of this article, let’s define the software architecture as follows:

The art of designing and building significant software.

If you do not believe that setting up a software architecture is really that difficult, check it out Definition of Martin Fowler.

Since we more or less know what a software architecture is, let’s see how you can identify a bad example of it.

There is definitely something Wrong software architecture When:

  • It’s hard to test a given piece of software,
  • There is a high coupling within the system,
  • It is difficult to integrate new modules,
  • There are high scale costs (or scale is not economical),
  • The system has no efficiency or flexibility.

And some less obvious Software architecture issues:

  • Feature development takes too long,
  • The software can not keep up with an agile environment,
  • Developers are afraid to change work modules,
  • Recruitment of new developers is difficult,
  • The developer’s satisfaction with working on a project is low,
  • The quality of the products decreases over time.

And this is for theory. Let’s make it a little more personal!

Who is a software architect?

Having discussed the signs of poor architecture that you may encounter, the next logical step is to go over who is a software architect and what kind of skills and character traits are most desired for this job.

A software architect is a person with experience in software design.

This person should have extensive experience under his belt, with projects of various sizes, that have shaped his judgment to be sharp and steadfast. The knowledge of Design templates, As well as the supply of infrastructure in the market, combined with the ability to anticipate future development, allow them to choose the most appropriate solution for any given scenario, while leaving enough doors open for future choices.

Personally, I do not like the assumption that a software architect only works at a high level of software development. there is a lot Examples of decisions that benefit from the input

And an architect’s perspective. Among other things, these will be the issues of a transactional script versus a domain model, or whether the use of ORM is a good choice for the project.

However, there is a high possibility that a software architect will work more frequently with C4 diagrams, designing and cutting complex problems into reasonable modules, and so on. Feature application comes next.

It is important to say that the decisions of a software architect always depend on many variables. There are different options and opportunities for the Greenfield project compared to running a complex system. Staff skills, schedules and stakeholder expectations are also important factors.

Depending on the environment, A software architect will have a combination of the following skills And features:

  • To be a team player,
  • Breaking down complex problems into smaller pieces,
  • Identify and define problems,
  • Create C4 diagrams,
  • Create UML and Sequence Diagrams,
  • Creating infrastructure diagrams,
  • Full understanding and experience with SDLC,
  • Writing good technical documentation,
  • Technical expertise backed by solid development experience,
  • Explain complicated matters to technical and non-technical staff members and stakeholders alike,
  • Team management and accompaniment,
  • Empathy and imagination that allow for the exchange of connections and analysis of problems from different points of view,
  • Experience in planning and implementing cloud infrastructure,
  • Working in DevOps culture,
  • Ensure consistent coding standards,
  • Component design and promise that honor contracts between them (e.g., API form).

It’s all nice when you read it, but what exactly does bringing a software architect to a project provide?

The benefits of hiring a software architect

Each developer will quickly understand if the software architecture he is working with is well made.

A good software architecture will look smooth. It will feel “just right”. When done right, there is a high chance that you will not think too much about architecture. In the daily work of a software engineer, the architecture will make them feel empowered. It will be as if the software itself helped you write code and did not force you to battle over any new feature.

Below, I have written a few Advantages Software Architects Brings To the table:

  • The app is easier and faster to test,
  • Adding new features is as easy as it was at an earlier level of product life,
  • Developers feel empowered and helped Provide new features,
  • Code degeneration Is slower over time,
  • The integration between the modules is easier and faster,
  • The selected infrastructure provides flexibility and scalability,
  • The IT system is agile enough to keep up with the business environment and delivers the desired value,
  • Low overhead To understand the purpose of different software units,
  • Software solves business problems better and more efficiently,
  • Possible problems are identified before they occur or are prepared in advance for possible solutions,
  • The documentation provides a high level of insight into how a system operates at multiple complex levels,
  • The core business values ​​are protected by abstraction that provides multiple application options, while the domain is not spoiled in application details.

Why is it not easy to appreciate the value of a software architect at first glance?

Getting a skilled software architect is essential regardless of whether you are just starting out with a small SaaS application, or you have a complex production system, but it is not always easy to see the need for a software architect at first glance, because The contribution is not always expressed in tangible supplies.

Most of the time, You will encounter problems that can be solved in more than one way (More often than not two or three ways). Because there are usually multiple requirements, which can sometimes be contradictory. Finding one solution that works for everyone can be a daunting task. Usually, these are open-ended questions such as:

  • Do I have to sacrifice development speed for better system maintenance in the future?
  • How can I protect my system from changes in areas where I have no jurisdiction?
  • How can I better address business needs?

Finally, in the same way that a traditional architect designs a building and then gives to the builders Do the actual work with concrete, brick and roofs, representative software architect Developed and ready-to-develop components for developers.

Moreover, it is crucial that a Software architect oversees implementation, Ensure that it respects the coding, contracting and abstraction standards for which it was designed.

Usually, Most of the architect’s work is done before the project begins. And yet, one should not underestimate the value that an architect can bring in the middle and near the end of the project. Some issues can only be detected during the application.

Sometimes, business requirements change along the way, and sometimes it’s just helpful to be able to consult with everyday issues. No matter what stage your project is at, he can enjoy the architect’s insights.

The Value of a Software Architect – Abstract

Software architecture is a complex issue, but I think at this point you should know that:

  • Software architecture is a foundation Where your application depends; If the base is of good quality, the same will apply to the whole application,
  • Developers absolutely love Working with a marble app Great software architecture; They are more efficient and happy,
  • Bring in a skilled software architect On board there may be some costs already at the beginning, but if your application is to succeed in the market, the investment Will pay off easily in the future.

A software architect by your side can help you solve your problems more easily,Faster and more efficiently. No matter what environment and scale you are oThus, an experienced software architect will be able to help you do your thing Safer, more flexible, faster, and work-friendly software. software Architects can help you at all stages of the project.

Is your software architecture select micro-services?

We have concentrated a resource full of expert insights and data on the state of micro services. check this out!

Mersin Mazurovsky

Mersin Mazurovsky

Node.js key

Professionally, senior Node.js developer @ The Software House. Ready to help you grow with cloud technologies. Privately, a musical composer and amateur home cook.




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