Project Cost Tracking Template Excel

Before starting any project in project management it is necessary to step to estimate the possible cost. This will save you from overspending and you will have some costs saved for the initiation of another project. Here in this article, you will be able to understand the tracking of the project cost as well as all the cost-related things in the project.

It benefits the stakeholders associated with the project. It is helpful for the manager in evaluating the progress of the project. For this purpose, excel provides us with the beneficial template known as the project cost tracking template. With the help of this template, your work will be smooth way.

  1. Cost tracking is actually the financial planning system that needs to start in the early stages of project planning.
  2. With a better understanding of project cost tracking, you will be able to deal with your Client in the best way possible.
  3. For accurate cost tracking, there is a need for continuous communication among the team members.
  4. It keeps you aware of the overall financial activities of the project. In such a way, you are able to keep the cost of your project under control.
  5. Multiple Project Tracking Template (Customizable)
  6. Project Expesne Tracking Template Excel

You can customize this template according to your project requirement.

What is Cost Tracking?

Cost tracking is actually the estimation of the cost of any project. It must include the cost of all the things that associate with your project lifecycle. This process is complete in the planning phase before the initiation of the project.

Project costs are usually categorized into two phases.

Direct costs are the expenses that directly relate to the project such as the software, mileage, and meal expenses. The other one is the indirect cost, these are the expenses that are not directly associated with the project but consider as important as the direct cost. This includes the rents, staff salaries, license fees, s and lawyer’s fees, etc.

Cost Management Plan Template Excel

Benefits of Project Cost Tracking Template

There are many benefits related to the project cost tracking template. Some of them are as follows

Financial Awareness

It gives you and your team financial awareness. Helpful in achieving the financial targets. You can make necessary changes according to the need.

Avoid Conflicts

Tracking the project cost with the help of invoices help to avoid conflict among the stakeholder and the client. It is also helpful in the maintenance of compliance.

Anticipation of Cost of Same Project

The proper cost tracking is helpful in anticipating the cost of a similar product in the near future. It has great importance in the project budget-making process.

Tax Deduction

With the proper tracking of the cost of the project, the owner gets a significant reduction in the tax when the tax season comes. One should keep a record of all the invoices related to the project.

Delivery of the Product

An efficient project tracking a customer can rely on the cost tracking for the insurance of receiving the deliverable within the expected financial bracket.

Project Deliverables Template

Phases of the Project Cost Tracking Template

In order to track your project cost, avoid the mistakes related to the cost, the following tips should be followed in order to track the cost of the project accurately. This will be healthful for the project.

Creation of the Baseline

While creating your project schedule, it is important to lay a base for tracking the cost of your project. The baseline must include the following information. The starting and finishing dates, estimated efforts, expected cost, budgeted revenue, and all this information will be helpful in the evaluation of the progress of the project.

Budget Forecasting

Accurate forecasting of the project budget keeps everyone on track. Forecasting your project will help in keeping the thing under control throughout the project lifecycle.

If you have a construction business and want to estimate the budget of your project, the construction cost estimate template helps you to estimate the cost and expense of the project.

Define the Resource Usage

With the proper resource usage, you will be able to track the cost of your project in the most effective way possible.

Monitoring of the Expense and Cost

Assign the duty of monitoring the expense and the cost of the project to a responsible person who remains always aware of all the financial performances of the project. This continuous and effective monitoring helps you track your project cost more effectively.

Communication Among the Team Members

Better communication among the team members will provide you with an accurate cost-tracking process. This is best for the health of your project and leads your project on the way to success.

Excel provides us with such variety of project that is of great use in the field of project management. One of them is the project cost tracking template. This is a user-friendly template and can download easily from the internet.

It is helpful in the field of project management and helps the team in keeping the project cost under control, the controlled cost project is always successful.

External Reference: Project Cost Management by Wikipedia




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