Multiple Project Tracking Template – PMITOOLS

In project management, sometimes you need to handle several projects at once. It is a challenging task to manage them properly. If you are looking for a multi-project management template all in one, then you are on the right path. This platform will provide you with an efficient and user-friendly template for managing your tasks.

Multiple Project Tracking Is actually managing parameters like time, resources and multiple tasks to execute more than one project at a time called multiple project tracking. This article will allow you to manage your tasks wisely and efficiently.

This challenging task will be completed by using a smart tool like Tracking template of several projects. Excel provides us with a variety of templates and tools in the field of project management. One of them is this template that makes the number of projects manageable in the best way.

taken down: Dashboard template of the project portfolio

How to track multiple projects in Excel?

  • Excel provides the best ways to manage multiple projects with the help of successor tools and templates
  • You can download it from the internet and then open it and create a new project according to your requirements
  • Project plans are then fed in and allocated to resources.
  • This is a very user-friendly template and you can manage multiple tasks easily and very smoothly.
  • This template will not only track the progress and current status of all projects but will also track whether all projects are on budget or not.

There are different types of Multiple follow-up templates for projects Available as

  1. Ghent Chart Templates
  2. Timeline template of multiple projects in Excel
  3. Multiple templates of project status reports

The benefits of a multi-project tracking template

It has always been a challenging task and takes time to manage multiple tasks and projects at once. Excel makes it easy for entrepreneurs, business people, and managers to complete their multiple tasks in a timely manner, as well as keep track of their progress with helpful templates.

Some of the benefits are as follows

  • It provides An Overview Of each and every project in a very clear manner
  • it helps You keep track of progress Of each project in a very efficient and effective manner
  • Efficiency iThis is one of the major benefits of multiple project tracking templates. Because it provides you with an efficient way to manage multiple projects at once
  • It’s easiest, fast and The most efficient way Make your multiple projects fully reach the given timeline and your project will not face any kind of delays.
  • It A very flexible template And provides you with complete authority to customize your template and use it according to the goals and benefits of your company. You can have complete control over things and things can be changed and adjusted according to your need
  • This will help you break down your task and prioritize the tasks according to their impact on the health of the project. Priority Keeps you on track and helps you manage multiple tasks and project in the best way.
  • Managing and monitoring multiple projects is not an easy task. It requires a lot of planning, prioritization, organization and division of tasks among team members. If a manager wants to get organized and wants his project to get organized it is only possible with the help of smart and effective tools like Tracking template of several projects.

taken down: The best template for a project tracking template

Strategies for managing and monitoring multiple projects

There are the following strategies that help you manage and track multiple projects in a single tool or template.

Smart initial design

There should always be a smart strategy or planning before starting something. Successful planning ahead of time ensures the success of your project. The manager should have a plan B if things go wrong so he can avoid any kind of loss or malfunction.

Using a tool or template

No matter how brilliant and talented you and your team are, you always need some help with management tools. Excel is such a blessing in this case. It provides you with all the ease that your job completes in a shorter time and more easily.

  1. Business management tools

Prioritize tasks

It is very necessary to prioritize your tasks before starting anything, it will keep you on track and you will be able to focus on the thing that requires the most attention. It saves you time as well as manages your work in the most appropriate way.

Get reviews on regular bases

It is very important to get an opinion on your activities so that you do not get stuck with the original plan instead make changes and updates to your plan so that you can complete all your projects on time.


Effective and frequent communication between team members is the key to success. This has a huge impact on the health of the project. It keeps everyone in touch with the project so that everyone gives their best towards the project and ensures the success of the project.

Multiple project tracking template

Multiple project tracking template types

There are different types of multi-project management. Some of them are as follows

Multi-project status tracking report

This is the type of multi-project tracking template and it allows you to manage multiple project statuses in one go. This efficient template is useful for creating multiple status reports of multiple projects very easily.

Related article: Project status monitoring report

Multi-project Gantt chart

Free Ghent charts for multiple projects have helped a lot in project management. Data and projects to manage and maintain with this help. It just includes entering data and it creates a Ghent chart for you.

Excel format for a Gantt chart with sub-tasks

So we can conclude that the number of projects that follow the temples provide the manager with an interface that connects all the necessary information of all the projects.

It usually has a dashboard-type interface and gives summary data. It presents every aspect of the project in a very clear way. So using this template will lead your projects and company to success.

Article: Project management plan template

Excel 124




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