Agile Project Status Report Template Excel

Reporting is considered an important process in the field of project management. Frequent and effective reporting would be the best way to update everyone related to the project as well as for making the best decision for the future of your company. This article will help you to have a better understanding of the agile project status report template.

  • Agile reporting gives the ability to the project manager to communicate with the people who are not directly involved in the progress of the project.
  • It keeps everyone on one platform, each and every person stays updated.
  • Agile project status report is helpful in keeping the stakeholder engagement throughout the project lifecycle.
  • There is a reduced risk of failing the overall project as the product work is completed in the form of sprints.
  • It increases customer satisfaction as well as is a time-saving tool. You will have a fast return on your investment.

What is an Agile Project Status Report Template?

Agile Project Status Report is actually the strategy for determining and sharing information about the specific software and different methods for reporting used by the company. The agile reporting system is used by the majority of companies in order to track their progress as well as to share information with the stakeholders.

Types of Agile Reporting PPT

Basically, there are two categories of agile reporting. The first one is to share information with those who are not involved in the production process. The other one focuses on the specific information on the basis of which the critical decisions are made for the future of the project. There are the following two types of agile reporting. Now we will discuss these two types.

  • Sprint Status Report Template Excel

Sprint status reporting is helpful in reporting the progress and performance of your team during the completed and active sprints. It keeps you informed about the completed work as well as the remaining tasks that were returned in the backlog in the form of a sprint report.

For the conduct of a successful sprint retrospective, sprint status reporting is a very useful handy tool. You can have better decisions for the accomplishment of future sprints. The agile quotient of the team members can be improved using the sprint status reporting

Sprint Workflow and Process

The workflow of sprint status reporting is very helpful for the team members in identifying their work performance and in communication among themselves. This workflow is followed for every sprint during the project lifecycle. This includes;

  1. Backlog: before releasing the product make a list of tasks that need to be completed. The product owner creates the backlog. The list of priority items is transferred by the product owner to the scrum master and scrum team. It is based on user stories.
  2. Planning of Sprints: the team member discusses each user story and then makes decisions on what has to be delivered in the sprint.
  3. Sprint Backlog: after the final decision, it is decided what task has to be done during the specific sprint.
  4. Sprint: sprint is defined as the time period during which the work has to be completed. Usually, the duration of the sprint is 30 days.
  5. Scrum on Daily Basis: short term meetings are arranged by the scrum master in which they discuss the performance and the risks that a sprint might face.
  6. Outcome: the outcome of the sprint is considered a useful product. It is decided by the product owner whether the product is ready to be delivered or it needs further processing.
  7. Sprint End: the sprint end is subdivided into two ways. Sprint review (teamwork is shown to the product owner), sprint retrospective (here the team discusses the weaknesses, if any, and discusses the ways to improve them).
  • Scrum Status Report Template Excel

Scrum is a type of agile reporting system which is based on the controlling process. It allows the team to determine and set their goals and prioritize them so that they must be aware of their execution pathway. It enables the manager to plan short-term plans in detail for supporting high-level organizations.

How to Create an Effective Scrum Status Reporting Template

For creating an effective scrum status reporting template the following parameters must be followed

  • Discuss the scrum methodology briefly
  • Give a clear explanation of the roles and responsibilities of team members
  • Prioritize the technologies implemented during the scrum methodology
  • Specify the objectives of the scrum master
  • Give a brief description of scrum planning and reviews on it
  • It must include the scrum process values
  • Timelines
  • Graphically present the project plans
  • Elaborate the workflow

Agile Project Management Template Excel

Excel has provided us with a variety of tools and templates. One of them is the agile project management template. So here we have a content-specific template.

It includes the following content

  • Name of the project
  • Name of project manager
  • Type of feature
  • Tasks (sprint 1, sprint 2, and so on)
  • Priority of tasks (low, medium, high)
  • Start date and finish date
  • Duration for the execution of tasks
  • Status of completed and ongoing tasks
  • Risk issues (low, medium, or high)
  • Comments or feedback

You can download it from our page and it will make your task easy, will save your time, and keep you on the right track throughout the project lifecycle.




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